Meet the Team
Each and ever day, every employee strives to make the. Accountability starts at the top. Our commitment is to ensure your family is safe and all your water drainage needs are met.
Ryan Winders – Owner
Ryan has been with Permadry Waterproofing and Drainage for 15 years prior to taking over the operation. Prior to that he work extensively within the trades. He has five years experience within the pest control industry giving him a unique perspective into crawlspace health and how it relates to the over-all health of the home. He has built residential and commercial structures from the ground up. He has extensive experience working with clients ranging from homeowners, large investors, Home owners associations, property managers, and contractors.
He was certified to inspect and treat mold, asbestos abatement, and licensed in all components of pest control. Bringing all his skills to his appointments he takes his time to assess what the actual concerns are and will only recommend what is needed to correct the problem or refer one of our trusted vendors.
He has a wife and two kids and lives in Snohomish. You can find him in the office every morning at 5am making sure everything is taken care of. You can also find him on the golf course.
Tim – Operations Manager
Tim is our fixer. The go to man when something absolutely positively needs to get done. When not working, you will find Tim hunting elk and fishing with his son. Tim is a man of few words… just like his bio.
Brian – Field Representative
Brian is the newest addition to our Perma Dry field representative team. Brian is a rare talent that brings an attention to detail that boarders on neurotic, but he comes from a family where construction is a passion. Brian’s attention to detail always rings true with his detailed inspection reports and provides a clear written version of all recommendations that he provides to Perma Dry clients.
Brian’s 15+ years running staff in other trades lends itself to clear communication skills and ability to articulate complex solutions in an easily understandable way. Brian is consistently exceeding expectations when it pertains to ensuring that our clients receive exceptional service and WILL NOT settle for an approach that cannot be justified. As a result, and true to Perma Dry standards if there is no confirmed concern he WILL NOT attempt to provide a non-required solution.
We at Perma Dry strive to take a “common sense approach to drainage solutions” and Brian, with all his experience, has always followed that model even before being added to the team. In Brian’s previous endeavors he would bring that perspective to his teams, which would be to provide superior service…. only if service was a necessity.
Brian is recently engaged, bringing a mature perspective to approaching life. Brian is a well above average golfer and has a passion for the outdoors. Brian is a Jeep guy, so if you are as well, you have likely waved back to him several times over the years.
Aspen – Field Rep
Aspen is an exciting addition to the Perma Dry Waterproofing and Drainage team. He has a unique perspective as he has been reviewing paperwork and projects for many years before coming on-board in a full-time capacity as a field representative. He brings with him a wide variety of skills that provide him an acute attention to detail while not over-looking the broader scope of what is in front of him.
He went through several years of diesel mechanic schooling in the north end and through Skagit Valley College where he was also part of their golf team. He excelled in the electrical systems training and received several awards along the way. He has worked on construction sites helping with demo projects, retaining walls, and other home improvement related items. When he started at Perma Dry, to truly understand every aspect of what our teams do, he spent time in the field as a service technician as well as a member of our installation crews. This has given him insight into specialty repairs as well as how our system integrate into residential and commercial structures.
He is a life-long Pacific Northwest resident and currently lives out of Arlington. If you don’t find him on a golf course some where he is very likely helping a friend or family member with a vehicle concern. He also loves hanging out with his Dachshund he recently got named Mr. Long!